Check us out on Redbubble

If you love our products but can't order from us due to being international, then we have GREAT news! As part of our mission to offer our products to more of the world we are in the process of adding our designs to our Redbubble shop! We are known there as BattleBorn17!

Even if you're in the US like we are you'll find even more products on Redbubble from us including shower curtains, blankets, bath mats, aprons, journals, tank tops, and more! To say we are excited to be able to bring these products to you whether you're in the US or not is an understatement. My personal favorites are the Bella patterned blankets - I am absolutely in LOVE! And best of all, Redbubble always seems to be having a sale on something!

So if you want to check out our shop on Redbubble, you can find it here:

And no matter where you shop with us, we hope you fucking love your order! And just know that we fucking love YOU! 

- Julie, owner of Battle Born Clothing.